[NOTICIA] Um café Britânico

Uma emissão totalmente dedicada ao Folk oriundo das Ilhas Britânicas, nas suas diferentes vertentes e estilos. Desde nomes famosos até menos conhecidos, a característica comum é a qualidade da música que podemos apreciar ao longo da emissão. Tudo para conferir descarregando directamente e livremente aqui.
O alinhamento completo da emissão é o seguinte:
- RAINBOW CHASERS - "Ghosts In The Rain" (GB) (some colours fly - 2005)
- VASHTI BUNYAN - "Heartleap" (GB) (heartleap - 2014)
- DAVID THOMAS BROUGHTON AND JUICE VOCAL ENSEMBLE - "The Promise" (GB) (sliding the same way - 2014)
- RICHARD THOMPSON - "Persuasion" (GB) (acoustic classics - 2014)
- SOL INVICTUS - "Once Upon A Time" (GB) (once upon a time - 2014)
- ANDREW KING - "The Knight Templars Dream" (GB) (the amfortas wound - 2003)
- OAK - "Shepherds Arise" (GB) (va - anthology of english folk music - 2006)
- MARTIN CARTHY - "Famous Flower of Serving Men" (GB) (shearwater - 1972)
- THE INCREDIBLE STRING BAND - "Ducks on a Pond" (GB) (wee tam - 1968)
- BRASS MONKEY - "The Foxhunt" (GB) (see how it runs - 1986)
- MARTIN SIMPSON - "The Keel Row" (GB) (when i was on horseback - 1991)
- DUNCAN EVANS - "The Old Lies" (GB) (lodestone - 2013)
- COMUS - "Winter Is AColoured Bird" (GB) (song to comus - 2005 / diana - mx 1971)
- ROY HARPER - "The Enemy" (GB) (man and myth - 2013)
- SANDY DENNY - "Quiet Joys of Brotherhood" (GB) (sandy - 1972)
- FOTHERINGAY - "The Pond and the Stream" (GB) (fotheringay - 1970)
- SUBWAY - "I Am A Child" (GB) (subway - 1971)
- ALASDAIR ROBERTS - "The Old Men of the Shells" (GB) (amber gatherers- 2007)
- FIRE AND ICE - "Greyhead" (GB) (birdking - 2000)
- THE HARE AND THE MOON - "The Three Ravens" (GB) (v.a. we bring you a king with a head of gold: dark britannica II - 2010)
- THE KITTIWAKES - "Lynx" (GB) (v.a. we bring you a king with a head of gold: dark britannica II - 2010)
- BERT JANSCH - "The Black Swan" (GB) (the black swan - 2006)
- BILL FAY - "Still Some Light" (GB) (still some light - 2010)
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